vs Fremont (2008)
Winning Drive Video MVHS vs Fremont Video


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Justin took on a big challenge during the 2008 football season as a barely 15 year old sophomore taking on the starting quarterback job for the Mountain View High School football team.  His first quarter and a half were a little rough as he took his first hits and got a first taste of "game speed", but midway through the second quarter he threw his first touchdown pass, 55 yards down the middle, and they went on to take a 28-14 lead with about 6 minutes to go in the game.  Then they held on for a 28-26 win over Fremont High School.  Not bad for a pretty young team; Justin had 2 touchdown passes, threw another for a 2-point conversion, threw one interception, and had somewhere in the range of about 150 - 160 yards passing.

Some photos taken by one of the other player's father can be seen below.  The rest of his photos can be seen at:


MVHS coming out of the tunnel prior to the start of the game (Justin is #9 and one of his teachers wearing his visitor's jersey can be seen behind him - a result of Justin being named "player of the week" after the prior week's scrimmage against Santa Clara HS):


Under center, and taking the snap:


Reaching for one of the many handoffs:


Under pressure on passing play, not sure if this was a completed one or not but he got a lot of pressure and was hit pretty good even on the TD throws:


Here's the end of MV's first TD reception of the year and the first of Justin's HS career:


Justin holding for first MVHS Point After Touchdown (PAT) of the 2008 season:


  This page was last updated on 01/09/10.


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